Brändöskärs fiskeläge

Luleå archipelago

Welcome to Luleå archipelago. Here you will find 1312 wounderful islands with their own character. Discover fantastic nature, cultural history and an unique plant and animal life. Every season offers magical contrasts.

You can easily get here whit tour boat, taxi boat or your own vehicle.

Stay in one of Luleå municipality's thirteen cabins spread out across the four islands, Brändöskär, Junkön, Kluntarna and Småskär. Read more about the islands and cabins in our Cabin brochure. Pdf, 9.4 MB.

Timetable 2024 for the tour boats in Luleå archipelago

From June to September

Book a cabin in Luleå archipelago

Available all year round.

Here you will find a summary of the marinas in Luleå, what service each island offers and information about the fees.

Marina fee

Luleå municipality charges a marina fee. Visiting boats can either buy a day ticket or a season ticket, season tickets are sold at the Luleå tourist center in Kulturens hus.

Day and season tickets can also be bought from the island hosts on Junkön, Kluntarna and Småskär during summer season.

If the hosts are not there, you can pay with ''Swish'' to 123-0190413, mark the payment with the boat's name and island. It is also possible to pay with cash in SEK.

Please observe that it is only possible to pay with card on the island Junkön. If you pay with cash we do not accept euro.

Marina fees for the marinas own by Luleå municipality




Season ticket

All marinas own by Luleå municipality

600 SEK

Day ticket

Junkön (including electricity)

150 SEK

Day ticket

Luleå municipalitys other marinas

100 SEK

Luleå municipality's marinas


  • Boat places: 10
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 10
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Sauna (free all year around)
    • Rest cabin
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 15
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2-4 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Two saunas (free all year around)
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouses
    • Docking for the tour boat
    • Five cabins for rental (all year around)

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 8
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: Shallow marina. 0,5 -2 meters.
  • Service:
    • Barbecue area
    • Rest cabin
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.



  • Boat places: 10
  • Docking: Floating dock and dock
  • Marina depth: 3 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Sauna (free all year around)
    • Barbecue area
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouse
    • Docking for the tour boat

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 10
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 10
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Barbecue area
    • Garbage disposal
    • Rest cabin
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 20, approximately 15 with electricity
  • Docking: Floating dock and dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Café
    • Museum
    • Two saunas (free)
    • Shower
    • Toilet
    • Outhouse
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Dish station
    • Water
    • Electricity
    • Toys to borrow
    • Docking for the tour boat
    • Three cabins for rental
  • Hosts: During peak season there are hosts working at Junkön.

Marina fee: 150 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 30
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2-4 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Kiosk
    • Three saunas (free all year around)
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouses
    • Toys to borrow
    • Water
    • Docking for the tour boat
    • Three cabins for rental (all year around)
  • Hosts: During peak season there are hosts working at Kluntarna.

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: 17
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Kiosk
    • Sauna (free all year around)
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Outhouses
    • Toys to borrow
    • Docking for the tour boat
    • Two cabins for rental (all year around)
  • Hosts: During peak season there are hosts working at Småskär.

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.


  • Boat places: (114 meters of pier)
  • Docking: Three floating docks. Docking is only possible on the outside of the docks.
  • Marina depth: 2 meters.
  • Service:
    • Barbecue area
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: 100 SEK per day.

Private marinas

Klubbviken at Sandön

  • Boat places: 45
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 4 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Restaurant
    • Conference
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Sauna
    • Shower
    • Toilet
    • Washing machine
    • Electricity
    • Water
    • Rental of diffrent activities
    • Docking for tour boat
    • Cabins for rental
Marina fee: 100-160 SEK per day depending on the boat's width. Please observe that Klubbviken is not included in the season ticket by Luleå municipality.


  • Boat places: 55 stycken
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2-4 meters. Chart 414
  • Service:
    • Luleå sailing association's facility is on the island
    • Restaurant and kiosk with limited opening hours
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Sauna
    • Shower
    • Kitchen
    • Water
Marina fee: 150 SEK per day. Please observe that Likskär is not included in the season ticket by Luleå municipality.


  • Boat places: 50 stycken
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 5 meters
  • Service:
    • The boat club Neptunu's facility is on the island
    • Kiosk
    • Barbecue areas
    • Garbage disposal
    • Sauna
    • Shower
    • Outhouses
    • Electricity
  • The marina and facilities are open from the end of may to the end of september.

Marina fee: 50 SEK per day for non-members. 50 SEK extra for elctricity. Please observe that Kallaxön is not included in the season ticket by Luleå municipality.


  • Boat places: (12 meters of pier)
  • Docking: Floating dock
  • Marina depth: 2 meters
  • Service:
    • Barbecue areas
    • Outhouse

Marina fee: Information on site. Please observe that Kallaxön is not included in the season ticket by Luleå municipality.
















Sandön, Klubbviken






Camping is an excellent and an adventurous way to get closer to the archipelagos nature. Luleå Tourist Center provides the best camping tips.

To do before you camp in the archipelago

Do some research about the place you are going to visit. Check out maps and the weather forecast.

It is also good to pre-book your ticket to the archipelago ferries. Another tip is to go with kayak or book a boat taxi. Then it is possible to experience even more of our beautiful archipelago.

If you need help with anything contact us at Luleå Tourist Center.

How do you know where it is allowed to camp?

In Sweden we have something called "Allemansrätt". It translates to "the right of public access". It means you have the right to camp pretty much anywhere and that it is common sense that applies *.

This is what the right of public access says: “You can camp for a few days in nature. Do not disturb the landowner or damage nature. It is not allowed to camp on land used for pasture, agriculture or planting and awoid places near by residential buildings.

Where do you go to the toilet and how do you take care of hygiene?

If you are camping on one of the islands where Luleå municipality has facilities, we recommend that you use the public privys. It is also possible to make a reservation on place to use the sauna facilities. On other islands where we do not have any facilities, you can wash yourself in the sea.

Are you a first time camper?

Then we recomend the island Kluntarna. There you have a coupple of nice camping spots one of them is at the far end of Storviken with access to both a barbecue area and public privys.

What to bring on a camping trip?

  • Drinking water
  • Food
  • Proper camping equipment like; Tent, sleeping pad and bag
  • Change of clothes
  • Camping stove
  • Knife, ax and matches (so that you can make a fire)
  • Flashlight (for the part of the season when it is darker)
  • Powerbank (so that you can charge your mobile phone)

* There are islands that are not suitable for camping and due to sensitive bird life it is forbidden to be on these islands from May 1st to the July 31th.

Optional service fee for campers

Camping in the archipelago is free. If you on the other hand would like to have access to firewood, the outhouses, recycling station, sauna or other facilities, we appreciate if you pay a optional service fee. This fee helps us maintain the good service and at the same time you support the development of the Luleå archipelago. Thank you for your contribution!

You can pay with Swish to: 123 01 90 413

In Luleå archipelago, it is also possible to book accomondation at Sandön and Hindersön.

Read more about Klubbviken, Sandön Länk till annan webbplats.

Read more about Gamla skolan, Hindersön Länk till annan webbplats.

Bothnian Bay Coastal Inter-Municipal cooperation, stretches from Haparanda in the north to Skellefteå in the south, with 4001 islands. Read more about the cooperation here. Länk till annan webbplats.

Fill in the number of children and adults with age. Also the number of men/women/other (optional)


Which island and/or cabin have you visited (optional)

Describe the weather during your stay (optional)


How was the complete experience (1 = not good och 5 = very good)



Sidan uppdaterades den 27 augusti 2024