Civil marriage

Civil marriage is a ceremony without religious elements performed by marriage officants appointed by the County Administrative Board.

The marriage ceremony takes place in Luleå City Hall. It can also be held at another place, efter agreement with an officiant.

Two witnesses, over 18 years of age, must attend the marriage ceremony.

Application for obstacle test

Before you can get married, you must apply for an obstacle test with the Swedish Tax Agency. Obstacle testing is done to check that there is no legal obstacle to the marriage.

The form for applying for an obstacle test is available on the Swedish Tax Agency's website External link.. When the Swedish Tax Agency has approved the obstacle test, they will send you a Certificate of Obstacle Test and a Certificate of Marriage. Please note that the processing of the obstacle test may take a couple of weeks. The approved documents are valid for four months.

You keep your own last name when you get married. If you want to change or add a last name, apply for it at the Swedish Tax Agency External link..

Foreign citizens

For foreign citizens, special rules apply for applying for an obstacle test. If one or both of you are not registered in Sweden, you should contact the Swedish Tax Agency's service office for information.


Two persons must be present during the ceremony as witnesses. It can be friends or relatives. They must have turned 18 and understand the ceremony even if they do not speak Swedish.

The witnesses must be able to identify themselves.

Book a Marriage Ceremony

Use this e-service to book an appointment for a marriage ceremony in Luleå municipality. Choose one of the available times in the calendar for marriages in the City Hall.

Marriages can sometimes be offered in other places. Contact a marriage officiant and agree on a time and place. After this is done, use the e-service above to notify us. Registration must be made no later than two weeks before the marriage ceremony is to take place.

Inger Boström
Mobil: 070-255 10 62

Andreas Wallgren
Mobil: 073-801 49 53

Farida Jamshidi
Mobil: 073-024 65 58

Fredrik Lundh Sammeli

Margaretha Lindbäck
Mobil: 070-512 05 22

Mehmet Tekin
Mobil: 070-478 38 30

Nina Berggård
070-354 38 45

Emma Själin
Mobil: 076-228 96 29

Anne-Lie Ottosson
Mobil: 072-166 36 77


The marriage administration take care of your booking and print mandatory documents for the marriage ceremony.


The marriage ceremony is free of charge if it is carried out in Luleå City Hall. If you choose an other place you must agree with the marriage officiant on travel expenses.

What happens next?

When you have sent in the application for a booked marriage via the e-service, you will receive a confirmation that the booking has been received. If we need additional information, we will contact you via the e-service.

Our administrator takes care of your booking, prints mandatory marriage documents and hands them over to the marriage officiant.

On the marriage day, you have to bring your Certificate of marriage and Certificate of obstacle examination, received from the Swedish Tax Agency, identification documents and two witnesses to the marriage ceremony. If the ceremony takes place in the City Hall, the marriage officiant will meet you at the reception.

After the ceremony

You will recieve a marriage certificate in Swedish. The municipality's administrator also sends a marriage certificate to the Swedish Tax Agency, which registers your marriage. The administrator then closes your errand from the e-service.

Wording at the Ceremony

You wish to enter into marriage with each other. Marriage is based on love and trust.

By entering into marriage, you promise to respect and support each other. As spouses, you are two independent individuals who can gain strength from your union.

Since you have declared that you wish to enter into marriage with each other. I ask you: Do you N.N. take this woman/man N.N. to be your wife/husband, and to love her/him for better and for worse?

(Answer: I do.)

Do you N.N. take this woman/man N.N to be your wife/husband, and to love her/him for better and for worse?

(Answer: I do.)

(The couple can exchange rings.)

I now declare you lawfully married.

When you now go out into your lives and return to your daily routines, remember your will for this union, your love for each other and the respect for each other that you have felt at this moment and that has brought you here.

I wish you happiness and prosperity in your marriage.

Abbreviated version

You have declared that you wish to enter into marriage with each other.

Do you N.N. take this woman/man N.N. to be your wife/husband?

(Answer: I do.)

Do you N.N. take this woman/man N.N. to be your wife/husband?

(Answer: I do.)

I now declare you lawfully married.

For questions

Phone: +46(0)920-45 30 00

This page was last updated 16 January 2023