Luleå International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and International Class

Upper secondary education in English

Are you interested in upper secondary education in English? Do you want to study at universities in Sweden or abroad? Then this is the program for you.

Our mission statement

At Luleå upper secondary school, we aim to foster young people into citizens with shared democratic values. Everyone working within the school have a compensatory mission to give each individual student a fair and equal education.

Through an inclusive, collaborative and multicultural environment, students will grow into independent, critical thinkers. With scientifically proven practices and methods, our students will gain knowledge and skills to understand the world and take active parts in creating a bright future.

IB Diploma Programme

The IB Diploma Programme consists of six subject groups: studies in language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics and the arts. In addition to the six subjects, students must also complete three core components: the Extended Essay (EE), a 4,000-word independent research project; the Theory of Knowledge (TOK), a course that explores the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know; and Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), a programme that encourages students to engage in meaningful extracurricular activities that enhance their personal and interpersonal development.

Luleå International Class

Luleå International Class is a preparatory year for studies at the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Students will read an assortment of courses similar to the Social Science and Natural Science programmes in Sweden, preparing them for the diploma courses. The language of instruction is English.

Subjects year 1, preparatory year
Swedish 1/Swedish ab initio100
Modern language
(For students who will continue their language studies at level 3.)*
Mathematics 1c and 2c*200
International relations100
Science introduction100
Physical education100
Total850 p

*Both English 5 and English 6 are assessed at the end of the preparatory year.

*Mathematics is assessed at the end of the autumn term and at the end of the spring term.

Group 1:
Language and literature - Swedish, English or SSST*

Group 2:
Language acquisition - English B, Spanish B or Spanish ab initio (Spanish for beginners)

Group 3:
Individuals and Societies – Psychology or Environmental Systems and Societies

Group 4:
Natural Science - Physics or Environmental Systems and Societies

Group 5:
Mathematics - Analysis and Approaches

Group 6:
The arts – We do not currently offer any subject from The Arts, so students must choose another subject from group 1 to 4.

The students choose one subject from each group.
Three subjects at Standard Level (SL) 150 hours, and three subjects at Higher Level (HL) 240 hours

All students have the core subjects:
Theory of Knowledge (ToK) 100 hours, CAS (creativity Activity Service) and Extended Essay

*School Supported Self Taught


Students taking the International Class will receive grades from F–A according to the Swedish school system. For further studies within the IB Diploma Programme, the grades will be from 1–7.

When will Luleå International Class start?

Applications for preparatory year will close spring 2024 and the International class will begin in fall 2024.

Luleå Upper Secondary School

Luleå gymnasieby in the center of Luleå extends over four blocks and forms a campus called Luleå high school village. Luleå Gymnasieskola has just over 2,400 students. As a student, you can choose from a large range of educations with competent teachers, modern equipment and pleasant facilities.

Our staff

Being the IB Head of school it is my responsibility to provide the necessary conditions for students and staff to succeed. Alongside with my work at the DP I am the Headmaster at the Upper secondary programs of Social sciences and Humanities. With degrees in sciences and education, I have spent most of my working life teaching general science and environmental awareness in Northern Sweden.

Contact Jonas Jönsson
+46 920 45 36 21

As the DP Coordinator, it is my job to make sure students and staff are taken care of. I assist the principal in many questions regarding the program. As well as being DP Coordinator, I also work at the school library. I am originally from Råneå, just north of Luleå, and before taking on the task as coordinator, I taught Swedish and English to upper secondary students.

Contact Helena Åström
+46 920 45 30 54

Contact Christina Engqvist Edin

Important dates

Important dates
Date and timeWhat?Requirements/other information
November 22nd17.30
Luleå Gymnasieskola Open houseVisit the facilities and learn more about the programme.
Swedish students: 15 February last day for first applications (group 1) and second applications on April 19 – April 25th (group 2).International students: April 19- May 5.
Application for preparational year (1:an, year 10)Grades from nine years of schoolingPassing scores on placements tests
March 21
Information meeting regarding programme and placement test (group 1)DP Coordinator will send out invitation
April 8th 09.00-16.00Placement test, Group 1 (preparational year Swedish students first applications)Participate in informative meeting before placement test.
May 15th.Applications DP1 (year 11)
DP2 transfers (year 12)
Full grades, interviews
May 20th 16.00-18.00
Information meeting regarding programme and placement test (group 2) DP Coordinator will send out invitation
May 30th 09.00-16.00
Placement test Group 2 (preparational year, DP1)Participate in informative meeting before placement test.
TBAPlacement tests for students not able to be in Luleå for the tests in May**Circumstances have been discussed and date set in agreement with DP Coordinator and principal.
May 2025Interviews with transfer student for DP1 and DP2Virtual or in-place


Applications are made in the spring before the autumn term. Application is open to all EU citizens and to non-EU citizens who have residence status in Sweden.

All students who apply to the program will take placement tests in English and mathematics (see Important dates).

Swedish students

Apply to the programme the same way as other upper secondary programmes using Luleå Municipality’s site.

International students

International students apply and will be considered according to the free quota stated in the Upper secondary education act, chapter 7, §3 as well as stated in the education act, chapter 29, 7§. International students must have completed compulsory school equivalent to 9 years of Swedish compulsory school that should give the eligibility to enter a university preparational programme.

Admission Policy – Luleå Gymnasieskola


Students attending the IB Diploma Programme at Luleå Gymnasieskola are required to study languages, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics over two years. Each student takes at least three (but not more than four) subjects at higher level (240 teaching hours), and the remaining at standard level (150 teaching hours).

The language of instruction is English. To apply for the school’s Diploma Programme, nonnative English speakers must show proof of their English language proficiency. They need to have a proficiency of CEFR B2 level.

Students attending the IB Diploma Programme at Luleå Gymnasieskola must:

  • Have a confirmed residence in the municipality (registered address, a legal guardian with a work visa or similar)
  • Want to take the full IB Diploma, as Luleå Gymnasieskola will not offer individual courses from the DP
  • Have an academic performance acceptable for studies within the IB
  • Pass the entrance exams in English (for non-native speakers) and mathematics. The entrance test in mathematics is equivalent of knowledge from Swedish Standardized tests of year 9 mathematics.

Entrance into year 1 (preparatory year)

Year 1 of studies is a preparatory year. The classes you will take are chosen to prepare you for the two Diploma Years to follow.

To be considered for admissions, students must fulfil all the following requirements:

  1. You have a minimum of 9 years completed studies from your previous schools (kindergarten is not included) *
  2. You have a transcript (in English or Swedish) showing your grades from the last two years of school
  3. You are at least 15 years of age *
  4. You have passed the placement tests in English (non-native speakers) and Mathematics.

Entrance into Diploma programme year 1 (DP1) or year 2 (DP2):DP1 requirements:

  1. Grades from the preparatory year, or other equivalent year 10 education
  2. Excellent written and spoken English (CEFR B2 level)
  3. Completion/pass of DP placement tests in Mathematics and English (non-native speakers)
  4. Have an academic performance acceptable for studies within the IB. Level of mathematics should be equivalent to that of Swedish mathematics 1C
  5. Applicants should be at least 15 years old
  6. Placement interview with DP Coordinator and/or principal. An important part of the interview is to determine student’s attitudes, abilities and resilience which are key attributes for success at the DP.

Students from the preparatory year will automatically be enrolled in DP1 and DP2.

DP2 Requirements:

Entry to DP2 is only possible for a candidate who has completed DP1 (i.e. a transfer candidate), and is also dependent on the following conditions being met:

  1. Subjects and levels are compatible between the subjects studied in DP1 and the subjects offered at Luleå Gymnasieskola
  2. Internally assessed components have been completed in a compatible way. The IB Core components (Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and Creativity, Activity, Service) are in alignment

  3. The previous school can transfer the internally assessed components

  4. Luleå Gymnasieskola has a place available on DP2.

Applicants with special needs

Legal guardians of an applicant with a special need (either physical or academic) must submit complete reports from their teacher and/or therapist.

How to apply

Applications are made in the spring before the autumn term. Application is open to all EU citizens and to non-EU citizens who have residence status in Sweden. The school only accepts electronic applications.

Swedish students:
Apply to the programme the same way as other upper secondary programmes using Luleå Municipality’s site:
Apply to high school

International students:

International students apply and will be considered according to the free quota stated in the Upper secondary education act, chapter 7, §3 as well as stated in the education act, chapter 29, 7§.

Applications are submitted to the Diploma Programme (DP) Coordinator using the form provided on the school website. In the form, students are required to give information about prior school experiences, residency in Luleå municipality and language background, among other things.

Placement tests

Students are required to pass placement tests in English and Mathematics. Students taking the placement tests and their legal guardians will be invited to an informative meeting. The meeting will give ample time to ask questions about the programme as well as provide detailed information about the time and place for the written tests.

Examples of English tests can be found here:

Practice mathematics:


Application tier list

Initially, Luleå Gymnasieskola will offer one class of 30 students for each cohort within the DP. To best serve those most in need of an international education in Luleå, Luleå Gymnasieskola uses a tier system in case there are more than 30 qualified applicants. Admissions are based on the following tier list rather than selection based on the highest grades.

Tier 1 - The student is a resident in Sweden for a confirmed limited time period or is a sibling of a current student who is in Sweden for a confirmed limited period.

Tier 2 - The student has attended school abroad for a major part of their education and therefore has a reason to continue their education at an international school in Sweden.

Tier 3 - The student is currently living in Sweden but is planning to leave Sweden for a longer period of time and continue with an international education.

Tier 4 - The student is Swedish and has sufficient language skills and grades from secondary school (grundskolan) to participate in the education.

To be eligible for tier 1, you must enclose a copy of the student’s passport as well as a copy of your work visa.

School policies

Contact us

Career counsellor and CAS Coordinator

Christina Engqvist Edin

Visiting address

Luleå Gymnasieskola kv. Hackspetten
Tullgatan 24
972 38 Luleå

This page was last updated 6 September 2024

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